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June 8 is World Oceans Day. How can you help?

June 7, 2018 by Monica Grant
June 8 is World Oceans Day. How can you help?

As sailors, we are blessed with the opportunity to discover and enjoy the world's oceans and waterways. However, like all people on the earth, we also have the potential to create pollution and ultimately damage to the important ecosystems that rely on the ocean for their health and stability, including our own.

Since 2002, The Ocean Project has coordinated and promoted World Oceans Day  - a celebration which serves to remind us that the health of the oceans, like everything else on our planet, is largely determined by our actions. In otherwords, it serves as a reminder that we can and need to commit to learn and engage in practices that have a positive impact on our waterways. 

This is why we encourage each and every sailor to give back to the resource that affords us so much joy, and get on board with World Oceans Day to take positive action, and learn what we each can do to restore, preserve and protect the health of the oceans.

World Oceans Day 2018
World Oceans Day 2018
- The main action focus is to prevent plastic pollution and encourage solutions for a healthy ocean. 


There are many very good reasons.

A healthy world ocean is critical to our own survival because it:

 - Generates most of the oxygen we breathe

 - Helps feed us

 - Regulates our climate

 - Cleans the water we drink

 - Offers a pharmacopoeia of medicines

 - Provides limitless inspiration!

We can, and need to give back. Take a look at the World Oceans Day website to learn more and to find events being held near you!

"Whether you live inland or on the coast, we are all connected to the ocean."

*Cover photo credit - World Oceans Day

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