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Why Signing Up Will Save the World!

April 29, 2015 by jarndt
Why Signing Up Will Save the World!

Our oceans continue to acidify, fish stocks continue to decrease, stress on the ocean ecosystem increases while simultaneously, public interest in outdoors sports and, sailing in particular, continue to decline.  There are many signs of postive growth in sailing but from the peak participation of 12.5 million in 1979 participation has dropped to under 3 million in 2014 while our population has doubled.  These two intertwined problems pose the questions: How to inspire sound stewardship of our oceans while contact with them declines? How to reinvigorate public interest in sailing and inspire a new generation of sailors?

We have an answer!

Summer Sailstice is the only event uniting all sailors to leverage the power of modern media and global connectivity - by creating a global celebration of sailing and sharing our stories online - to build a new generation of sailors and a new commitment to healthy oceans.

WHY should YOU sign up for Summer Sailstice?

To share your sailing story! We believe that in today's modern media era, our personal stories are the most effective and exciting way to generate interest and attention in sailing. Second, we believe that in a world inundated with negative images and relentless news cycles, stories of celebration, connection, and collaboration are in high demand. Summer Sailstice creates a platform for you to share how YOU sail - whether its racing, cruising, daysailing, whether its in a yacht or a dinghy, by yourself or with a crowd - and share it with the world.

Showing and sharing sailing.                                      Photo Onne van der Wal

You don't have to "plug in" and "connect" all the time - we know that's why you escape for a sail, but by celebrating and sharing how you sail, on one day, you help get more sailors out on the water everyday. By creating the opportunity for sailors to participate and tell their personal sailing story, we believe that Summer Sailstice is unique in its ability to share the true - and varied - story of sailing, and thus unique in its ability to generate the sort of broad public interest needed to build a new generation of sailors and ocean stewards.

It doesn't matter how or what you sail.  Just get on the water and share what you do.

The wrong message is too often visible.  While calm it this cove appears terrifying!

Sailing - so many ways to connect with people and the ocean.


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