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Sailing - Time with the Family

August 25, 2013 by jarndt
Sailing - Time with the Family

We get lots of company newsletters extolling the virtues of sailing, boats and all the great things we know and love about participating in sailing.  One newsletter that always seems to strike a cord is the one by Robert Sandberg of Windrider trimarans.  There are loads of Windriders scattered across the planet bringing great pleasure to owners and their families. 

The recent newsletter started like this: '

Time on the water -- Time with the family

I spend a lot of time sailing. Sailing with perspective customers, sailing at events, even sometimes just sailing by myself, but always sailing with a purpose. On the 4th of July, I had the pleasure of sailing with family and friends. With 85 degree weather, 15mph winds, I couldn't have asked for a better day, but what really made it special was having my whole family out on the boat - including my 2yr old nephew. I realized in that moment how much I missed sailing without purpose and rather just enjoying the shared experience of being on the water with family.

Read the rest of the newsletter here.

The simple pleasures of sailing with your family will long be remembered by everyone involved.  Thank you Robert for the Windriders and all the great stories they create. 

Check out how it looks on a Windrider Owner's Weekend:

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